Apostle Dr. Felicia Williams Ministries Inc.
ADFW Ministries, Inc.
Apostle Dr. Felicia Williams is an authentic trainer, who has been equipped by God himself to train and equip leaders for the call of ministry through their callings, gifts, office and anointing in the areas of the five fold ministry, healing and deliverance, lay ministry, prophetic watchmen, prophetic ministry, pastoral care and counseling, church leadership to discipleship and kingdom building classes. She has the heart of God and therefore desires for every human being existing to walk in the very core of who God has called them to be.
Kingdom in the Marketplace
Kingdom in the Marketplace trains kingdom citizens to
birth or function in the marketplace ministry with start up logistics for establishing their businesses, ministries, or faith-based organizations successfully in compliance
with state and federal regulations.
Kingdom Mentorship
Kingdom Mentorship is a ministry whose standards
are Christ centered with the goal of growth in God
by assisting kingdom citizens in becoming the best
version of themselves with the help of the Holy Spirit.
The Slay Sisters
The Slay Sisters is a global nonprofit organization whose focus is building women to maximize their potential by the F3 formula Fulfilling, Fulfillment, and Fulfilled.
Kingdom Relationships
This ministry is designed to teach foundational
kingdom purposes in how to have kingdom
relationships & kingdom marriages. This ministry is for those that are singles & married.